Juvenile Eagle in Homer
This image was taken when I was in Homer in July 2012. The weather was not great – as might be apparent in the image taken here – and the float plane that we were hoping to take out to Hallo Bay to see the bears could not fly this day. I asked around the town what there was to see or do but with a population of 5500 people odd – which drops off a lot in winter seemingly – your options are limited. It is either bears or fishing. The eagles are still around even though the Eagle Lady passed away in 2009. Seemingly they gather around the local dump in winter time as an easy place to gather food so we headed up there to see if we could find anything.
I spotted a few eagles further back in the tree line but there were too far away to get a shot. This juvenile was on a heap of dirt surrounded by ravens and he posed just long enough to get this image of him before flying off to the shelter of the tree line approximately 100m away.

I was using the best hide of all for this shot – the rental car. I had the window down and rested the lens on the door frame and composed the shot. I placed my fleece under the lens to help with vibrations etc.
Equipment used:
Camera: Canon 1D Mark IV
Lens: Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS + 1.4 EF II Teleconverter ( effectively 700mm)
Shot from the door of the car – using the car as a hide
EXIF: ISO 1600 f/5.6 1/1000 0ev 700mm